Try it out .

Taster Sessions are now available

Go on, you have wanted to try that sailing on the beach thingy that looks like so much fun. Someone told you it was called beach surfing or something like sand sailing. Well just call it a fun sport.

From April 2020 IPKSA will only have full day taster sessions these are available for £50.

The Full day contribution may be used as a partial payment towards annual membership should you wish to do more landsailing. Availing of this option only requires an additional £35 for annual calendar year membership.

Annual members benefits include your sail identification number, tuition, insurance, access to club equipment, social and competition events, licensing and potential progression and selection to attend international events.

Landsailing or Sandyachting are the terms we use for our international beach sport. You can try it by booking for a session with one of our instructors by completing the booking form below.

Book for Benone Session – Benone Strand

Sandyacht Session
About me
Your Name and Contact Number

Book for Bettystown

Sandyacht Session
About me
Booking Date

Book above for Bettystown Saturday 7th March


